Limited Liability Company (LLC)

In accordance with the new UAE legislation, the participation of a UAE citizen as a partner (shareholder) or service agent is not a prerequisite for the establishment of a company in the domestic UAE market.

At the same time, the list of companies' activities is much wider in comparison with companies opened in the Free Economic Zone (FEZ). An indicative list of companies active in the UAE's domestic market: investment, financial and insurance activities, wholesale and retail trade, legal, auditing and real estate services, educational and concert institutions, the production of industrial goods and food, catering plants, car service, beauty salons, clinics, etc.

Such companies are registered with the Department of Economic Development of the relevant Emirate and can participate in state development programs of the country and have guaranteed support from the Government.

In accordance with the legislation of the UAE, only three types of organizational and legal forms of ownership of companies can be registered in the country:

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Registration of companies in the UAE in the form of a limited liability company is not required with the participation of a partner, a UAE citizen.

To register a limited liability company, a copy of the passports of the founders is enough, and the rest of the documents are drawn up on the spot during the registration process.

Professional companies in the UAE

The type of activity of the company is professional services in the field of medicine, law, consulting and others. In this case, a foreign investor may own 100% of the shares (equity participation), but a prerequisite is the use of the services of a service agent, a citizen of the UAE. At the same time, he will not take part in the activities of the company, however, he will represent its interests in government agencies (in the Ministries of Immigration, Labor, etc.).

In order to open a company with a professional license, you will need to certify a corresponding professional diploma, and sometimes pass exams in the regulatory authorities of the country.