Free Economic Zones (FEZs) play a key role in attracting foreign investment to the United Arab Emirates. The UAE has the largest number of FEZs in the region, while the country has created the most attractive conditions for doing business, thanks to which tens of thousands of foreign companies have already registered their representative offices here.

Free economic zones in the UAE are 100% foreign ownership, no taxes.

Companies registered in the FEZ are residents of the country, and therefore obtaining a license for them is a mandatory process.

There are three main types of licenses in free economic zones:

commercial - for all types of trading activities;

service - for the provision of a specific type of service;

industrial - for the conduct of industrial or production activities.

Branch of a foreign company.

In the UAE FEZ, a branch of a foreign company is registered as part of the parent company and has the right to fully operate, conclude contracts or carry out other licensed activities.

Registration of a representative office does not require the introduction of the authorized capital, and in most zones and the provision of an audit report.

To open a branch, you must provide a full package of constituent documents of the parent company, legalized at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country of registration, at the UAE Embassy in the country of registration and at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Emirates.

Registration of a legal entity requires a certain amount of time, and in some cases, serious documentary preparation. With extensive professional experience and closely following the changes in the rules and requirements of free zones, we will help you quickly and legally competently register a new company or a branch of an existing company in any of the more than 20 free economic zones in the UAE.

The list of required documents, cost and terms of work performance depend on the place of registration of your enterprise, the chosen organizational and legal form of ownership and the intended goals of the activity. In addition to registration formalities, we are always ready to assist you in resolving issues related to the functioning of your company.